Welcome to

An all-in-one clash tool featuring a Mobile App, Discord Bot, API, & more!

ClashKing Privacy Policy
Effective Date: 29 May 2024
1. Introduction
Welcome to ClashKing! Our application uses the Clash of Clans API to gather in-game data and allows for connectivity via Discord. This privacy policy outlines our approach to collecting and managing this information.
2. Information We Collect
a. In-game Data: We collect information through the Clash of Clans API, which includes your game performance and statistics. No personal information is collected directly by our app.
b. Discord Connectivity: If you choose to connect via Discord, we only access your Discord user ID to facilitate this connection. We do not collect or store any other personal information through Discord.
3. How We Use Your Information
The data collected is used exclusively to enhance your user experience by enabling you to view your game statistics and to connect seamlessly via Discord.
4. Sharing and Disclosure of Information
We are committed to not sharing your information with third parties, except in accordance with legal requirements or to protect our rights and those of our users.
5. Data Security
We take appropriate measures to protect the information we collect, although we acknowledge that no security system is infallible.
6. User Rights
You have the right to data portability and to delete your account at any time. For any requests, please contact us directly.
7. Changes to Our Privacy Policy
Any future changes to this policy will be posted in our app and, if the changes are significant, you will be informed via a push notification or a direct message through Discord.
8. Contact Us
For any questions regarding this privacy policy or your data, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]